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Al-Ansar Youth Day Camp 

Al-Ansar is proud to announce their annual Youth Day Camp to be held from June 24th-July 31st every Monday-Thursday from 10:00-2:00 PM  InshaAllah for ages KG to 8th grade. The camp will include exercising, fun activities, team building, quran memorization, teachings of the Prophetic Manners, Picnic Potlucks and Much More!

Camp costs $300 per child ,$250 each additional sibling 

We hope to see everyone there InshaAllah! 

if you have any questions or concerns please email 


Payment can be made either by Cash, Check or Card. Cash and Check Registrations can be turned into the admin in the office at Masjid Al-Ansar 

Checks should be made out to West Coast Islamic Society. 

To pay with Card please click the button at the end of the Registration Form 


     Waiver and Release of Liability

I, the undersigned, as the parent or legal guardian of the minor named above, hereby acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Assumption of Risk: I understand that participation in camp activities involves inherent risks, including the risk of injury. I voluntarily assume all risks associated with my child’s participation in these activities.

  2. Release and Waiver: I hereby release, waive, and discharge WCIS, its officers, directors, employees, volunteers, and agents from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, and causes of action arising out of or related to any loss, damage, injury, or harm of any kind that may occur to my child during camp activities.

  3. Counterclaim/Coverage: I agree to indemnify and hold harmless WCIS, its officers, directors, employees, volunteers, and agents from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, and expenses (including reasonable attorney fees) arising out of or in connection with my child’s participation in camp activities.

  4. Medical Consent: In the event of an emergency, I authorize WCIS to seek and obtain medical treatment for my child. I understand that I am responsible for all medical expenses incurred.

  5. Photo Release: I grant WCIS permission to use photographs or video recordings of my child for promotional purposes, including on the organization’s website and social media platforms.

  6. Behavioral Expectations: I understand that my child is expected to follow camp rules and behave respectfully toward others. WCIS reserves the right to dismiss any camper whose behavior is deemed inappropriate or harmful to others.

Acknowledgment of Understanding:

Thanks for submitting!

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                         Ph: (714) 535-1100

                        Fax: (714) 535-5049

    1717 S. Brookhurst Street Anaheim, CA  92804

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